Ultimate Survival Technologies BlastMatch Fire Starter

camping tents Ultimate Survival Technologies BlastMatch Fire Starter
The Ultimate Survival Technologies BlastMatch Fire Starter has sparked some interest, among other things, thanks to its ability to start a fire in spite of extreme environments and conditions. Whether you find yourself in marine, arctic, desert or jungle atmospheres, and whether it’s raining, snowing or windy, the BlastMatch fire starter never fails. BlastMatch is easy to use with one hand, and ignites with a spark three times the strength of a match to light your wood, paper, bark, cloth or man-made tinders. BlastMatch measures four inches in length, so it’s easy to pack or carry along with you on your treks. Weighing just 2.7 oz., you’ll barely even notice it in your pocket or pack. The BlastMatch fire started retails for approximately $19. Ultimate Survival Technologies.Your email address will not be published.

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